Tue 22nd October - 09:59 PM

Rules and customs formalities

I -  Passengers' Obligations

The following obligations apply to all passengers using Ghana's air and sea ports as well as land borders.

II -  Passengers' Baggage Concessions

Baggage and personal effects shall include:

III -  Passengers Unaccompanied Baggage Declaration

Passengers who have sent their personal effects in advance or are expecting personal effects after arrival must declare these on the appropriate form known as the “Passengers Unaccompanied Baggage Declaration” Form. This declaration must be made immediately on arrival or within forty-eight (48) hours of arrival. If a passenger fails to so declare, he may forfeit the concession.

The Red & Green Channel

On arrival at the Airport from abroad, the following channels are available for travelers.

The Green Channel

A passenger may use the channel if he/she is sure to be carrying goods which are free of duty and are allowable under the passenger baggage concessions.

The Red Channels

Removal Articles

Ghanaians who have stayed outside Ghana for more then twelve (12) continuous months and are removing residence may import their removal articles free of taxes.
Removal articles include movable personal belongings or effects, domestic appliances, household provisions normally kept in stock, collectors' pieces, pet animals, and also any equipment (other than agriculture, commercial or Industrial plant) necessary for the exercise of the calling, trade or professions of the passenger.
Removal articles do not include arms, ammunition and motor vehicles. Arms and ammunition are restricted items, and can only be imported on a special permit.

Personal Effects of Ghanaians Who Die Outside

These may be imported without payment of duties and taxes. Evidence of death must be produced to support application for concession.

IV -  General Information on Duties and Taxes

All imported goods apart from the baggage concessions and those for specified government, privileged persons, organizations and institutions attract import duty and other taxes. Different rates of import duty as well as different types of taxes may be applicable depending on the category of item.
Tax Type Tax Rate (%) Tax Base
Import Duty 0
Cost + Insurance + Freight (CIF)
VAT 12.5 CIF + Import Duty
NHIL 2.5 CIF + Import Duty
Processing Fee 1 CIF
Import Excise 25 CIF + Import Duty +VAT
Environmental Tax 20 CIF
GCNet Charge 0.4 FOB
Destination Inspection Fee 1 CIF
Withholding Tax IRS 1 CIF

V - Importation and Exportation of Currency

There are restrictions on the physical conveyance of currency to and from Ghana.

  1. Residents and non residents travelling abroad are permitted to carry up to US$10,000 or its equivalent in travelers cheque or any other monetary instrument.
  2. Residents and non-residents arriving in Ghana are similarly permitted to carry up to US$10,000 or its equivalent in travelers cheque or any other monetary instrument.
  3. Amounts in excess of US$10,000 or its equivalent shall NOT be carried in cash of any form of currency or monetary instrument by a traveler whether resident or non resident.
  4. Amounts in excess of US$10,000 or other foreign currency equivalent shall be transferred only through a bank or authorized dealer.
  5. Where the amount does not exceed the US$10,000 limit or its equivalent in any other currency the traveler is required to declare the amount to Customs and proceed to fill the BOG Foreign Exchange Declaration Form (FXDF) at the port of entry or departure.
  6. Where the amount exceeds the limit of US$10,000, Customs shall seize the entire amount whether declared or not.

VI -  Prohibitions and Restrictions

A. - Absolute Prohibitions

  1. Animals and carcasses infected with disease: Animals or carcasses infected with disease within the meaning of the Disease of Animals Act, 1961 (Act 83) or any part of such animals or carcasses
  2. Beads of inflammable celluloid: Beads composed of inflammable celluloid or other similar substances
  3. Coffee, raw, imported overland: Raw coffee imported overland or by inland waterways
  4. Coin not up to standard: Coin current in any foreign country or any money purported to be such not being of the established standard in weight and fineness. Currency Act, 1964 (Act 242)
  5. Food, contaminated: Meat, vegetables, and other provisions declared by a Health Officer as unfit for human food
  6. Knuckle dusters, and life preservers: Knuckle dusters and life preservers.
  7. Literature, scandalous Books, newspapers and printed matter which in the opinion of the Commissioner (subject to any directions of the Head of State of Ghana) are defamatory, scandalous, or demoralizing
  8. Money, base or counterfeit: Base or counterfeit coin or counterfeit notes of any country
  9. Obscene articles: Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings or any other indecent or obscene article
  10. Weapons, dangerous: Knives such as flick knives and paper knives which in the opinion of the Inspector of Police are considered to be dangerous weapons
  11. Goods prohibited by any law: All other goods, the importation of which is prohibited by any law in Ghana

B - Restrictions

  1. Currency: Bank notes, Bank coins, Travelers' cheques, Electronic units of payment, Securities in the denominations of local currency or the currency of another country, except under license of the Bank of Ghana
  2. Diamonds: Rough or uncut diamonds, except under license of the Minister of Mines and Energy
  3. Films, cinematograph: Cinematograph films, except at the port of Tema, Takoradi or Accra Airport. Provided that this prohibition shall not apply in the case of films which the Commissioner is satisfied are intended solely for exhibition in private premises to which the public are not admitted on payment or otherwise
  4. Good bearing designs and imitation of money: All goods which bear a design in imitation of any currency or bank note or coin in current use in Ghana or elsewhere, except under license of the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning
  5. Goods imported contrary to customs laws: All goods not imported in an aircraft or in a steamship except such as may be imported in accordance with any regulations relating to the control of boats or to the importation of goods overland or by inland waters
  6. Goods regulated by any law: All goods, the importation of which is regulated by any law in Ghana except in accordance with such laws
  7. Gambling machines: A permit is required from the Ministry of Interior
  8. Plant, plant product, plant disease or pest, soil, manure, grass, and other parking material liable to harbor dangerous diseases or pests of plants: A permit is required from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture
  9. Explosives, including nitroglycerine, dynamite, detonators, gun cotton blasting powder, other substances used to produce explosives but excluding ordinary gun powder, percussion caps, rockets or fuses: A Ministry of Interior license is required.
  10. Arms and ammunition: A permit is required from the Ministry of Interior
  11. Handcuffs: A Ministry of Interior license is required.
  12. Machines for duplicating keys: Obtain license from the Minister of Interior
  13. Milk deficient in milk fat: Milk, condensed or evaporated, containing less than eight per centum by weight of milk fat, and dried milk or milk powder containing less than twenty-six per centum by weight of milk fat.
  14. Nets and traps for animals: Nets, gins, traps snares, spring-guns, missiles containing explosives, apparatus for setting guns and all similar or other mechanical engines or appliances including any parts thereof or accessories thereto designed, calculated or intended to be used or capable of being used to capture, injure or destroy an animal.
  15. Paper, airmail printing: Airmail photographic printing paper, except under license of the Commissioner.
  16. Press rotary ticket printing: Reel-fed rotary ticket printing presses, except under license of the Minister for Finance and Economic Planning.
  17. Spirits of certain kinds and strengths: Spirits of the following descriptions:
    - Spirits containing essential oils or chemical products such as thujone, star arise, benzoic aldehyde, salicylic esters, hyssop, absinthe or other substances in such proportions as the Commissioner in his absolute discretion deem to be injurious to health.
    - Brandy, rum or whisky unless provide to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to have been stores in the wood for a period of not less than three years prior to importation.
    - Spirits containing essential oils or chemical products such as thujone, star arise, benzoic aldehyde, salicylic esters, hyssop, absinthe or other substances in such proportions as the Commissioner in his absolute discretion deem to be injurious to health.
    - Brandy, rum or whisky unless provide to the satisfaction of the Commissioner to have been stores in the wood for a period of not less than three years prior to importation.
    - Spirits containing more than 65 per centum of absolute alcohol as ascertained by Tralles` alcoholmeter other than medicated, perfumed or methylated spirits, accepted as such by the Commissioner, except under license from the Commissioner and except in accordance with the condition of such license.
  18. Weapons for discharge of noxious liquids: Weapons of any description which in the opinion of the Commissioner are designed for the discharge of any noxious liquids, gas or other similar substances and any ammunition containing or in the opinion of the Commissioner designed or adapted to contain any noxious liquid, gas or other similar substance, except under license of the Minister for Interior.
  19. Mercury: A license is required from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (Mercury Act, 1989, PNDCL 217).

VII -  Contact

Customs Headquarters Main Lines : 0302-666841-4 ext 1150 /1151
Customs Division of Ghana Revenue Authority P. O. Box 68, Accra















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Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 89%
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